Fallout 4 Mods
When the creation kit released for Fallout 4 I jumped into the modding scene. I created some simple mods to help learn the system. I started with a simple unmarked location: Hunter's Ridge and then moved on to a simple quest that took players through unexplored areas at the edge of the Commonwealth: The Fisherman's Gambit .
When I was confident with the tools I decided I wanted to created a useful mod for people like me who don't want to use fast travel. So the idea of The Red Wave was born. A player home built on a boat that could travel around the Commonwealth to various docks in a way that didn't take me out of my immersion.
I decided to stream the process and spend a couple weeks putting the mod together. Releasing it on May 10th 2016.
Nexus Mods:
Bethesda Net: