Garfield Ledges & Middlefork Valley


Saturday March 27th I had a free day. No obligations, a new camera, and the weather looked like it was going to clear as the day went on. I had to take this opportunity and find a great place for some photography. So I did what I usually do when I look for new places to explore. I headed to google maps. After an hour or so scrolling around the cascades near my house I stumbled upon a hike I had never heard of before. Garfield Ledges. It is a short hike with a great view at the end, this was exactly what I was looking for. It was located at the end of the Middlefork Snoqualmie Valley, an area I was very familiar with, so I set off.

As I drove down the valley I was on the lookout for photo opportunities along the river. The clouds still shrouded the mountain peaks so I had some time before I needed to start the hike. The low clouds gave a great sense of mood to these valley photos, with a little adjustment in Lightroom they turned dark and roiling.

The parking lot was filling up as I set out on the hike. It was short, but steep. Climbing over 800ft in just over a mile. The path was forested and mossy all the way up. The shade would be welcome on a warm summer day, but it was a little chilly on a dark March day. At the top the trail emerges from the dark woods and a view of the whole valley opens up before you. I was able to see all the way down the valley to Rattlesnake Ledge and up the side valley to the ridge behind Snow and Gen Lake.

As I sat up on the ledges I had lunch while watching the clouds swirl around the peaks. Over the next couple hours the clouds dissipated and the snow covered peaks showed through.

After the hike I explored down by the river across from the parking lot. It sparkled in the sunlight now that the morning clouds were gone.


Map of Retallion Then and Now


Board Game Progress